Write For Us


Do you have a message that you want to share, but haven’t figured out how to get it into the world yet? 

Do you enjoy the overall vibe on Claim Your Crown and feel your message is compatible with what we’re trying to create here?

Why not consider writing for the Claim Your Crown blog. We’re interested in receiving blog article submissions that fall under the following broad categories:

  • Personal Growth
  • Building Confidence
  • Career Happiness and Success
  • Finding and Living Your Purpose
  • Soulful Living and Everyday Spirituality
  • Loving Yourself … Body, Mind, and Soul
  • Self-Esteem and Self-Worth
  • Improving Relationships
  • Self-Help and Self-Development
  • Life Hacks for Living Better
  • Creating Happiness, Joy, and Peace in Your Life
  • Handling Change and Difficult Times
  • Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and Worry
  • Self-Discipline and Forming Great Habits (and Ditching Habits that Don’t Serve Us)
  • Optimistic Thinking
  • Thoughtful Living
  • Transformation and Transition
  • Mindfulness
  • And … we’re open to other ideas, too.  You’re welcome to suggest something else.


The work you submit needs to be original.    By submitting it, you agree that the work was written by you and you have full rights to submit it. Also, the work cannot have been published online anywhere (we’ve got a tool to help us check for that). And, yes, this means if we publish your post here, you cannot publish the exact same post on your site or anywhere else. You can advertise your Claim Your Crown post on your site, social media, etc. In fact, we encourage you to put a link on your website and social media … we want the world to see your message!


The ideal length is 800-1500 words. We sometimes accept work up to 3000 words when it is clear to us that there was a reason for the work to be more in-depth.  You can add up to 2 links to blog posts on your own site within the article, as long as the content that is linked to makes sense for the post and is of equal or better quality to the post you’re submitting to Claim Your Crown. You cannot add links to your giveaways or to paid products within the post you write for Claim Your Crown, but you CAN put up to 2 links to paid products or giveaways in your bio.


In writing your post, it is important to think SEO, after all, you want your work seen by as many people as possible. Because of this, when you submit your post, also submit the 2-5 word keyword phrase that you are trying to optimize for.  That exact phrase should be in your post title, one sub-headline, and in one of the first two paragraphs of your post. Do not over-use the phrase. That’s called keyword stuffing, and for Google, it’s  a no-no.


Submit your ORIGINAL work to us along with a short bio (and bio picture of yourself if you’d like) about yourself. Bio length:  Less than 175 words.  Feel free to include links to your website and public social media access points.  Again, you CAN put up to 2 links to paid products advertised on your site (you cannot direct to affiliate links) or giveaways/lead magnets in your bio. Provide a featured image with the dimensions: 3250px x 1080px. Also create a version for Pinterest that is 600x900px. Provide a brief summary. 


This is an unpaid gig.  You will receive no financial compensation for your work.  Yet, the payback to you can be great.  First, this is a forum for getting your message into the world on a site that already has regular website visitors every day.  Also, all posts we publish are also promoted on our Facebook & Instagram community page that have over 17,000 combined fans.

On the page where your post appears, we’ll happily provide links back to your website so people can learn more about you and what you offer … so it’s a potential business-building opportunity for you.

While we ask that you do not use material that has been previously submitted elsewhere (or that you intend to post elsewhere in the future), you can place a link on your website or your page to the Claim Your Crown page that features your post, to make sure your followers see your work on Claim Your Crown.


Your post needs to provide value to our readers. It cannot be a shameless advertisement for your product or service.  You CAN mention your products and services in the bio section of your post.

Also, once again I can’t emphasize this enough:  Only submit original work that has not been published elsewhere.  We will check, so don’t even bother trying to send something that’s already been posted.


By submitting the work to us, you agree that Claim Your Crown can edit the work in any way we feel necessary. In general, if we feel the work needs a lot of editing, we won’t accept it in the first place. Most editing is done for SEO reasons and/or for clarity or to fix grammar or misspellings. We also reserve the right to re-title the submission, as the title is vital to attracting readership, and we’ve been at this a long time so we know title strategies that work well with our audience.


Submit your work via email to JKingBlog@gmail.com with the word “SUBMISSION“ in the subject line. Just attach your work, the 2 pictures, brief summary inside the email you submit.  


We have a fair amount of submissions coming in. We try to get back to everyone who submits within 7 days of receiving their work to let them know whether the work has been accepted and, if it has, when it will be scheduled to appear.

Given that we are limited on staff to do this review process, it sometimes takes up to 14 days to get back to you.   If you haven’t heard anything from us within 14 days, re-contact us at sales@justjking.com because there might have been a problem with either receiving your work or with the email response.


Submit your questions to JKingBlog@gmail.com with the word “GUEST BLOGGING QUESTION” in the subject line.